Sunday, February 12, 2012

EIR Practical 10

Activity 1 - Blog Reflections

Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey.

The most important lesson that I have learnt in my EIR journey is to never give up. Even if I cannot find the information that I want through search engines, there are still other alternatives apart from search engines, like invisible web database. It also takes a lot of patience to look for the correct information.

To me, researching is just like painting a picture. It is going to take a lot of time, effort and patience to finish painting a nice piece of picture. Same goes for researching, it is not going to be as easy as just searching a few words on Google. It is more than just that. A good research should not just rely on Google search engine, but with meta search engine and invisible web database too.

In conclusion, I had lots of fun through this EIR journey and made many new friends too. I am also glad to have Mdm Farida as my awesome tutor. :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

EIR Practical 8 & 9 - Evaluation of Internet Resources 2&3

Activity 3 - Blog Reflections

Update your blog with magical pictures from the multimedia website and Second Life screen captures of your Dream Holiday destinations

My Dream Holiday destination is...PARIS (

Which evaluation criteria did you use to evaluate the multimedia websites for your “Dream Holiday”? Why?

I used Coverage and Currency to evaluate my website. Coverage because I need to know many things in order to go to my dream holiday, like hotel, attractions, tours and stuff. The website has more than enough information for one to know in order to go to the place. Currency is also needed because things change over time, and if the website is not updated, it will be a disappointment to expect something from the website that does not exist in real life anymore.

Why did you choose to go to your Dream Holiday destination?

I guess it is partly because of my mum's job as a draughts woman that made me like looking at buildings and appreciate them. Paris has this eiffel tower which intrigues me, the entire structure of it. It seems like it is built solely with metal rods. I always wanted to visit european countries too, I believe it will be a new experience for me.

Compare your virtual Second Life experience with that of evaluating the multimedia websites for your Dream Holiday

For my Second Life experience, although my avatar get to go to the "real" virtual place and get really up close to the eiffel tower, but it still feels like it's virtual and unreal. Unless I get to experience it for myself and not what my avatar experiences. While evaluating multimedia websites for my dream holiday, although I get more texts than pictures, but I feel really excited about going there one day, with all the Paris landmarks and attractions!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

EIR Practical 6 - Introduction to Internet Resources: Internet Search Facilities 2

Activity 3 - Blog Reflections

Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web (databases) than using search engines, meta-search or subject directories? Why?

I think that using search engines will be more effective than using invisible web databases. This is because search engines like are convenient and very popular among everybody. Although invisible web databases returns useful and reliable results that are published by professional authors, but it only searches a specific database, while search engines search for almost everything possible.

Name ONE database which you will use for your research topic. Why?

I will use EBSCOHOST database for my research topic. This is because the returned results are relevant and up-to-date. The articles are all rounded as it covers all areas of my research topic because they are published by professional authors, thus making the articles reliable.

Name ONE more database which you will use for your course. How will you use this database for your course?

For my course, Interactive Media Informatics, I will use the IEEE Computer Society Pick5 Package database. IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading membership organization for computing professional. Since my course is IT-related, hence by using IEEE, it will allow me to find relevant articles. There are several publications that will be useful to me, such as IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE MultiMedia. I will use this database when I cannot find the results that I want from Google.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

EIR Week4 - Elearning

Virtual Youths Meeting and Networking on Second Life

My timeslot to meet the HKPolyU students is at 7.30pm to 8.30pm, and I logged on to Second Life promptly. The assigned place to meet is at Temasek Polytechnic Island for me, so I teleported there. There were many TP students there, in fact all of them are TP students. Suddenly 1 of the HKPolyU student is here, everyone gathered around him trying to be his Second Life buddy. I can tell that the HK student had a hard time answering everyone's questions.

After a long wait for more HK student to be online, I decided to teleport to HKPolyU Campus instead to try my luck to find a buddy. I found out that most of the HK students are at HKPolyU Campus, so thankfully I made the right choice. I was greeted by almost everyone there upon my arrival, it made me feel welcomed by them. The whole situation is rather messy, we do not know how to identify each other, and do not know if one is TP/HK student. After everyone settled down, I did a brief introduction about myself and managed to get a HK buddy - angushk

We discussed about the questions and he asked me questions for his assignment too. Finally we went to my dream holiday which is at Paris. I'm still very amazed at how everything looked so real, like Temasek Polytechnic Island, it is like 90% alike to the real life TP.

What do you like best about this virtual experience which you cannot get in real-life?

I like the convenience of being able to talk to more than one person at a time and everyone pays attention to what I have to say. In real life, when I want to talk to a group of friends, I have to raise my voice to get their attention which is hard for me because I do not have a loud voice by nature.

Do you have to observe special mannerisms/behaviours/ethics when meeting your new friend on Second Life?

Yes I do take into consideration that I am meeting someone new, so I will watch the words I use.

How do you feel about meeting and sharing about your Dream Holiday with your new friends from Hong Kong?

I feel that it is pretty interesting and fun! My Dream Holiday is France, Paris. I never been to the place, but I saw pictures of Eiffel Tower and I hope to visit there one day. When I arrive at Paris on Second Life, I was like all woah! Because it feels too realistic. My HK buddy and I wanted to visit his dream holiday too, but sadly it cannot be found on Second Life.

What is so special about discussing on Second Life with your friends about ethics of using Social Media?

I guess it is special to discuss about ethnics of using Social Media on Second Life because Second Life is a social media platform itself. It is also special because I am able to know of someone else's view on social media (refer to screenshot).

What have you gained from this e-learning experience?

I learnt that it is important to be flexible at times. If I had stayed on at Temasek Polytechnic Island throughout, I guess I would not be able to complete my task as soon as I had teleported to HKPolyU Campus. Sometimes it does not harm to adapt to different situations.

What is the one most challenging experience you had?

I think the most challenging experience I had through this virtual meet up is not being able to look for a buddy quickly. I thought that I will not be able to have a buddy because of there were more TP students than HK students at that point of time. Thankfully for my perseverance, I managed to have a buddy in the end.

EIR Week3 - Activity 1

E-Shopping Spree

Name: OSIM uRelax
Price: $238
Function: Transform your chair into a massage chair instantly with the OSIM uRelax. Light and portable, uRelax is a massage cushion that fits easily onto most chairs.

Reason: I would love a massage chair, a real massage chair, but I love my current chair too. So I was thinking of having this portable massage cushion to keep me comfortable while I'm doing my work.

Name: Fuji Instax 210
Price: $200
Function: Take photos and print it out instantly.

Reason: I always love photography and taking pretty photos makes me happy. It is important to do what makes you happy, isn't it?

EIR Week2 - Activity 2

Creating My First Blog

I changed my blog layout on my own too. :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

EIR Week2 - Blog Reflections

Why do you think there is a need for researchers to know the different purposes of websites? Explain using examples of websites you often visit or those which you have encountered while researching on your research topic.

I think that it is important for researchers to know the different purposes of the different websites. This is because of the different perspective of the content with the different purposes of websites. Like for example, a website selling Product A will only say all the positive things about the product, whereas a website with reviews of products will talk not only about the positive things for Product A, but also the negative things as well.

The website that I often encounter while researching is Yahoo Answers, which is a platform for people to ask & answer questions, hence the information on Yahoo Answers is not reliable.

Choose an advocacy website. Compare this advocacy website with the shopping website you had used for your E-shopping websites by using THREE differences.

Explain the most meaningful lesson you had learnt from Practical 1&2.